It seems that I've been grappling with ungratefulness lately. It's not that I'm not grateful for God's blessings in my life or feel like I've been slighted in some way - it's more that I have this unholy condition of my heart that is constantly striving for more and not being content where I find myself (Philippians 4:12). Just recently, however, I was praying to the Lord and decided to bring gratefulness into the conversation. While doing this, God just dropped an old hymn into my mind that I haven't heard for a long time. The title of the hymn is "He paid a debt He did not owe." The chorus hit me like a ton of bricks, it goes like this ...
“He paid a debt He did not owe, i owed a debt I could not pay, i needed someone to wash my sin away. and now i sing a brand new song: amazing grace, for jesus paid the debt i could never pay.”
I can not put into words the shock that those words delivered to my heart. That he have all for me! I only deserve eternal punishment, but instead i receive eternal bliss in the presence of my savior. if that doesn’t set your heart onto a path of gratitude, i don’t know what will.
Thank you God for your indescribable gift!
God bless
Scott moshier