My Light
One of the things that I struggle with most in my journey with Christ is trying to walk alone in trials and tribulations. It amazes me how easy it seems to read the word, pray daily, and express my gratitude to the Lord when life is good, but it amazes me even more how difficult it sometimes seems when things are bad. I find myself feeling ashamed of the sin that I am trapped in, and feeling unworthy of the Love that Jesus has for me.
Micah 7:8. “For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light”.
You never have to go through life alone. Put your faith in Christ and allow him to be your guide.
Psalm 118:22 says that “the stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone”.
Once I realized that I couldn’t make it through life without Jesus, that’s when I was able to put my trust in the Lord. Allow him to be my light and allow him to lift me back up.
I pray for all who are trapped in sin and feel distant from God. I want you to remember that you are never alone, and that Jesus love you.
Dalton Myers